Dear Friends,
2022 was a whirlwind year for me, with the release of The Black Cell and many conversations and activities around Black Liberation. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and dialog! I am grateful to my community, which continues to grow, much to my delight.
In 2023, I would like to continue our conversations - this is where new ideas take root, and we have so much to learn from each other. Each first Wednesday of the month, I invite you to join me in a conversation about Black Liberation. I will host a number of guests and also encourage you to share your thoughts about several topics. I cannot wait!
Upcoming conversations include some amazing people: Ronald Chisom, Co-Founder of the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond to discuss how racism dehumanizes everyone; D. Watkins, Baltimore-based author and activist to discuss his book, We Speak for Ourselves; and Dr. Rebecca Hall, author of Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts. We will share upcoming events each month.
Here's to joy, peace, good health, and liberation for all in 2023! I leave you with a brief video of my thoughts about the role of white people in Black Liberation and a link to the book on Amazon. In solidarity!